End Times Prepper

Common Questions About The End Times

Are you worried about the end of the world? Maybe you’ve asked “when will the world end?” or perhaps wondered if it would end at all. Many read the details in Mark 13 in order to foretell “the end” of this world (cue everyone’s favorite R.E.M. song). But what should we really take away from scriptures like these? Let’s stress the importance of clarity amidst confusion. We should caution against fixating on speculative details and becoming obsessed with interpreting the specifics of Christ's return. Things like these can have detrimental effects on your faith and relationships. Instead let us focus on mutual upbuilding and encouragement. Focus on readiness and steadiness in our Christian lives while awaiting Christ's return.

Addressing Anxiety About The End Times

Jesus' message is to remain vigilant and prepared for His second coming. Don’t become distracted or anxious about social events or predictions regarding the end times, but remind yourself of the importance of placing faith in Jesus’ words and promises. Do not be led astray by false messiahs, natural disasters, cosmic events like the eclipse, wars and conflicts like Palestine and Israel or Russia and Ukraine, but be patient and steadfast in spreading the gospel before the end does comes. There have been and will be signs, but our mission remains the same. Be faithful, and call others to faithfulness in Jesus Christ. Be ready and “stay wake” (Mark 13:37).

Check Out The Video Below

Join the conversation as we dive into Jesus' prophecy about the destruction of Jerusalem, fulfilled in 70 A.D., and a break down of the different aspects of Jesus' message in Mark 13.

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