Meet a few of the Mosaic Boston members transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and learn more about the vision of Boston Kingdom Builders

What is Boston Kingdom Builders
Boston Kingdom Builders is a campaign which aims to raise funds for the purchase of a church meeting place in Boston, MA. We believe every tongue will confess and every knee will bow to Jesus Christ. That’s why we’ve set our eyes on Boston to establish a permanent church home where God’s people from far and wide learn about the True Living God and are sent out to make disciples.
Why Boston? Today, Boston is a world-class center of education, medicine, commerce, technology, art, music and innovation. For all of its influence and beauty, Boston is also a very broken and dark place. Founded by Puritan colonists in 1630, Boston has since become a highly Post-Christian environment and ranks among the least churched cities in America.
Boston’s global influence presents a huge opportunity for the Kingdom both locally and globally. 35% of those living in Boston today will move away within 4 years. We want to see the gospel transform the lives of those who live here in Boston. We want to send out those who move away as missionaries to their homelands and workplaces around the world. We want to follow the model found throughout church history of influencing the city, a regional hub, for the sake of the Gospel. Boston presents itself as a unique and ideal location for not just our state, but nations to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Gospel makes us family. We live in a city that is starved for community, and at the same time numbed by the sheer density of the population around us. There are few things more intriguing and refreshing than witnessing the love and authenticity of a community marked by the gospel.
Our community is made up of individuals from all over the world, with 32 unique countries represented, speaking over 30 different languages. On any given Sunday you will likely see college, graduate and PhD students, lawyers, medical professionals, members of the military, athletes, teachers, musicians, and even unhoused individuals all worshiping together side-by-side. While we’ve seen a lot of growth in the last decade, we believe this is only the beginning of what God wants to do through Mosaic Boston.
The Opportunity:
20 Chapel St.
Mosaic Boston’s desire is to see lives transformed by the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Two major shortcomings that we have faced in achieving that goal have been time and space. Time to commit to intentional discipleship, and space that gives the body of Christ capacity to invest in each other and the surrounding community.
Mosaic Boston has always rented its worship space. Our church has gathered on Sundays in the basement of a YMCA, a movie theater, a community center, and then most recently, a Jewish synagogue. The pressures of rented space have always been present for the church, however the pandemic of 2020 showcased how little we could do without a space of our own. Additionally, the church has had to endure banners and ideologies strewn upon the walls of its meeting space that proclaim a message contrary to the gospel. This mixed messaging has deterred and confused those who would have otherwise entered our doors.
In February of 2024 our church identified an event space for sale. A beautiful ballroom with an upper level, and an adjoining event hall with an unfinished basement and large kitchen. God has opened a door. Our yearly giving can only sustain a mortgage for the ballroom space, however in order for us to continue growing the church and its ministries, it is crucial we acquire enough funds to purchase the event hall. This will give space to continue building out the children and teens ministry, as well as build offices, classrooms, and community gathering areas.