The Chief End of Man

Dear Mosaic family,What is the meaning of life? The questions is almost cliché. 13 years ago, a movie came out that would forever change history. I’m talking, of course, of “Zoolander.” Ok, maybe I over sold that a bit…

If you’re not familiar with the film, the lead character, Derek Zoolander, is a male model with a nagging sense that there has to be more to life than just being really, really, really, ridiculously good looking… there is a scene in the movie where Derek tells his agent,

“I want to do something meaningful with my life…. I have deeper thoughts on my mind. The other day, I was thinking about volunteering to help underprivileged children to learn how to read good… and just thinking about it was the most rewarding experience I’ve ever had.”

We may laugh, but we’re all searching for identity. Longing for Purpose. And like Derek, we often settle for little more than feeling good about our good intentions. We’ve even invented a word for it: Slacktavism.

This week at Mosaic we’re going to talk about how the Gospel helps us find our true identity and mobilizes us to live out God’s purpose for our life. Jesus came to seek us, and save us, in order to send us out on a mission of eternal significance.

Praying for you,

Pastor Shane


Coming up:

Service opportunity! Mosaic holds a worship service at the Susan Bailis Assisted Living Community in the South End, twice a month (2nd and last Monday of every month,7-9pm). Edgar Vasiliu is in charge of this ministry and he needs two or three reliable and committed volunteers. He is also looking for a lead vocalist to lead the group in worship. If you're interested, email
Homeless Ministry: Mosaic volunteers meet in Copley square every Wednesday evening to love and serve the people who are homeless there. To get involved with volunteering, contact Drew Also, there will be a collection for summer clothing at both services, so bring those extra socks, ponchos, shoes, or whatever else you may have!

Pre-service Prayer:  Every Sunday morning, Mosaic holds a pre-service prayer meeting at 9:15am. Please join us in theater #8 to pray for our church, our city, and our world!

Member Meeting: Saturday, July 12th, 10am-noon. ICC. If you're a member, plan to attend our quarterly members' meeting.

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