Seven Deadly Sins

Dear Mosaic Family,For centuries, the Church has attempted to understand the depth of human sin, evil and depravity. In order to equip Christians to understand themselves and defeat their sinful inclinations, by the power of the Holy Spirt, theologians have defined seven of the most dangerous sins, which are absolutely deadly to human souls and flourishing.

For the next seven weeks, we'll be studying these "Seven Deadly Sins" and learning how the Gospel of Jesus Christ offers us the power of God to save us from these sins and bring healing to the brokenness these sins have caused in our lives and relationships.

Don't miss tomorrow's sermon on "Lust" from John 4.

Blessings! Pastor Jan



2 Worship Services in Fenway!

September 21st. we will be launching a 2nd service in Fenway. The new service times will be 9:30am and 11:15am. Mini-Mosaic will be offered at the 9:30am service.We Need Your Help! We’re a growing church and always in need of some helping hands. Please stop by our “Serve” kiosk to find out how you can get involved! Or

Mini-Mosaic Volunteer Training

September 21, During the 11:15am. Service Our Children’s Ministry, Mini-Mosaic, is in need of volunteers to help on Sunday mornings. If you are interested in helping out please plan to attend this training event. For more information contact

Membership Class and Lunch

September 27th, 9am-Noon at the ICC. 30 Gordon St. Allston If you’re ready to partner with Mosaic as a member, or if you would like to learn more about our vision and mission as a church, please join us for our next Membership Class.

Big Brothers and Big Sisters

September 14, 8pm at the ICC. 30 Gordon St. Allston If you’re interested in serving with or learning more about BBBS of Boston, join us September 14 at the ICC for a presentation immediately following the Allston worship service.

David Platt and Passion Worship

September, 8 |  7-9pm Tremont Baptist Temple, Boston David Platt and Passion Worship will be hosting a free night of teaching and worship. For more info check out


Jesus & Food


What's Mosaic all about? Love. Jesus. Simple.