Why is work such a pain?

Dear Mosaic Family,I just got back from an awesome members' meeting!! My heart is full, and so is my stomach! What a delicious potluck! God is doing a great work at Mosaic Boston and I'm so glad to be a part of it.

Speaking of work, tomorrow we continue our 3-week series called "Faith at Work." Last week we looked at "God's Plan for Work," and tomorrow we turn to "Our Problem with Work." If God designed work to be so great, why is it so often frustrating? Why is it so hard? Why is it so boring? Sometimes work feels like smooth sailing, and sometimes it feels like you're sinking in quick sand. Why? There's only so much we can cover in our time together on Sundays. I wanted to offer you some profoundly helpful resources relating to Faith at Work. The book that has inspired and informed this sermon series most is Timothy Keller's "Every Good Endeavor." Pastor Tim Keller's church also has a ministry called "Faith & Work," dedicated to equipping professionals to "integrate the inseparable." Finally, the Gospel Coalition had a conference recently dedicated to this topic. You can watch the talks here.

Join us tomorrow as we learn about "Our Problem with Work" and worship the Lord together!

Praying for you, Pastor Jan


Progressive Dinner for Mosaic Women. Friday September 25th 2015 6:30 – 9:30PM. Join us for a Progressive Dinner Party! Appetizers, dinner and dessert will be held in succession at 3 different Mosaic ladies’ homes in Brookline (all within a half-mile along the C-Line)! Contact women@mosaicboston.com

Men's Ministry Gathering: "Killing Lions : a guide through the trials of young men and a searching generation"

Membership Classes If you're interested in learning more about what it means to be a member of Mosaic Boston, you're welcome to attend a membership class. We have two upcoming classes: 10/13 and 11/12, 7pm, Church of Our Saviour. If interested, email Admin@MosaicBoston.com

4th Quarter Members' Meeting December 5th, 10am-noon, with a potluck following the meeting.

We Need Your Help! We’re a growing church and always in need of some helping hands. Please stop by our “Serve” kiosk to find out how you can get involved! Or contact Julie@mosaicboston.com.

Pre-service Prayer Every Sunday morning, Mosaic holds pre-service prayer meetings at 8:45am and 10:45am. Please join us in theater #8 to pray for our church, our city, and our world! We also hold a pre-service prayer meeting at 5:15pm at the Church of Our Saviour.

Drummer Auditions We are currently auditioning drummers for the Mosaic Praise Team. For more info, please contact Pastor Shane. Shane@mosaicboston.com.

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The Homeless Ministry of Reconciliation


New Worship Space & New Sermon Series