Run Like You Stole It!

Dear Mosaic Family,Have you ever been in the running for a job you were unqualified for? How would you respond if you walked into work tomorrow and out of nowhere you had been made the new CEO of your company? Would you see this new position as a fortunate privilege, or view it as a grave responsibility?

That’s kind of how Paul felt after Jesus saved him. He had acquired something of unparalleled worth: A new identity and a relationship with Jesus Christ. In fact, everything Paul had ever valued in life now seemed like trash in comparison. It was an amazing privilege he didn’t deserve, but it was also an awesome responsibility.

In Philippians 3:12-21, Paul shows us how to live in response to this kind of amazing grace. Knowing he was completely unqualified for the position God gave him, Paul begins to “Run Like He Stole It” without looking back! Jesus qualified him when he was completely unqualified, so Paul makes it his aim to run faster, work harder, and grow up into a life worthy of the Gospel.

We’re taking a break from our sermon series in Genesis this week, and excited to have Ivey Rhodes bring us a message from this amazing passage in the book of Philippians. Ivey is a church planting resident at Mosaic and God has put an awesome call on him and his family. Join us tomorrow as we examine what is was that fueled Paul’s passion, and see how the joy of knowing Jesus Christ can radically change our lives as well!

Praying for you! Pastor Shane


Membership Class Sunday, October 23rd1-3pm, with lunch provided. If you would like to learn about membership at Mosaic, please plan on attending this class. To register, email: admin@mosaicboston.comMosaic Boston App Did you know Mosaic has an app? You can download it here.

Pre-service Prayer 

Join us in the upper hallway of the Temple Ohabei Shalom for a time of pre-service prayer on Sundays at 8:45AM and 4:30PM. It's an opportunity for us to pray for the church, the city, and the world.

Mosaic Youth Group 

Every Sunday, Mosaic holds a youth group gathering during the 9:30service. If you know anyone looking for a youth group, let them know!

Apologetics Seminars Do you struggle with making intellectual sense of Christianity? Would you like to help your non-Christian friends see the veracity of the Christian claims? Join us for an 8 week seminar looking at some of the biggest objections to the Christian faith. The class will take place during the 11:15am  worship service in the balcony upstairs, October 2nd to November 20th. Please sign up by emailing

Love Mosaic?  Let people know! We would love it if you could take a minute to like/rate us on some social media sites, which makes it easier for others to find us when they are searching for a church in Boston!

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God's Grieving Heart


City of God