Adulting: Sexual Wisdom

Dear Mosaic Family,

We live in an age of colossal confusion regarding the most important and consequential areas of life. Since our society can't tell us who we really are, it certainly can't offer much helpful advice in terms of how we are to live. We hear clichés like: "follow your heart or your dreams," and "do whatever makes you happy" and "just do you (unless your an axe-murder)" and "do what feels good." Our most elite and expensive schools don't offer much guidance in how we are to live. So we turn to social commentators, political pundits, life coaches and gurus, celebrities, and comedians. The problem is, most of them haven't figured out this whole life thing either... though they have figured out ways to make money peddling life-advice to the rest of us... so kudos to them for that. 

In particular, our cultural is terribly confused regarding sex, which is ironic, given how exposed we are to it. Sex is ubiquitous, and so is heartache, depression, and soul-level sadness. For many, sex is just another urge to be fulfilled, another appetite to be satiated. It's devolved to be "just a thing we do." In a bygone generation, sex was something you did with your spouse, then it was what you did with the person you love, and now, for many, its just what you do... for recreational purposes. So we recreate, but we don't get from it what we were really looking for. We're looking for intimacy, connection, affection, love... and all we got was a short-lived "good time."

Regarding sex, our culture's wisdom is sending convoluted messages: sex isn't that big of a deal, so go ahead, hook up, enjoy your life. And though it isn't "that big of deal," we can't imagine life without it. We can't imagine "waiting until marriage."  Are you kidding me?! That's crazy! That's like buying an outfit without trying it on. Wait, I thought you said it's "no big deal."  We view "life-long marital fidelity" as a fairy tail dream. "They lived happily ever after"... yeah, right, that's unrealistic... what if we fall out of love? Who can live like that? 

Perhaps it's time we turn to ancient wisdom, tried and tested over three thousand years by millions of people around the world. What does the ancient literature of Holy Scripture have to say about sex? How can we develop sexual wisdom? 

Join us tomorrow as we look to the book of Proverbs to see what it has to say for us regarding sex and relationships. We'll be looking at different passages from Proverbs 5-7.  

Praying for you,
Pastor Jan



Membership Class. Sunday, April 30th. 1-3pm. Taking this class is the first official step to becoming a member Mosaic Boston. If you're interested in attending, please email Lunch is provided. 

Childcare at the 11:15 service. The amazing volunteers of Mosaic now offer childcare during the 11:15 service, in addition to Mini-Mosaic at the 9:30service. 

Mosaic Youth Group. Every Sunday, Mosaic holds a youth group gathering during the 9:30service. If you know anyone looking for a youth group, let them know!

Pre-service Prayer. Join us in the upper hallway of the Temple Ohabei Shalom for a time of pre-service prayer on Sundays at 8:45AM and 4:30PM. It's an opportunity for us to pray for the church, the city, and the world.

Mosaic Boston App. Did you know Mosaic has an app? You can download it here

Baptism Service. Sunday, July 18th. If you would like to be baptized, please let us know by emailing

Songs for Sunday. If you would like to know what we'll be singing on Sunday (so you can be ready to sing your heart out!) you can find the songs on this playlist

Give to Fund the Mission. Giving is a joyful and sacrificial act of worship to our Lord, who has given everything to us and for us. We offer you the opportunity to invest in God's mission here. The easiest way to give your tax-deductible gift is through our secure portal on our website, found here. 


Adulting: Financial Wisdom


New Series: "Adulting"