Wisdom & Suffering

Dear Mosaic Family,

Tomorrow, we finish up our "Adulting" series, by talking about wisdom and suffering. We've looked at what the ancient wisdom literature teaches us about navigating some of the most consequential areas of life: sex, money, relationships, self-control, and work. One of the things we learned about the book of Proverbs, in particular, is the wisdom literature gives us principles and probabilities, not necessarily promises. Tomorrow we ask the question: if I pursue wisdom in every area of life, why do I still experience setbacks, disappointment, and sometimes, even, suffering. Why do bad things happen to wise people? In order to live life as an adult, instead of as a pouty child when things don't go as planned, you need a robust practical theology of suffering.

In order to help us begin to develop a framework for understand our suffering, even when we live wisely and righteously, we will look to the ancient book of Job, which is actually one of the central books of ancient wisdom literature. We're told that Job was one of the wisest people to have ever lived, "blameless, upright, one who feared God and turned away from evil." God Himself described Job as being so righteous, to the point that "there is none like him on the earth." Then we begin to read about all the heart-wrenching suffering Job experienced, including the tragic deaths of his children and finally losing his health. When Job hears about all the calamities, with which he had been stricken, the Scriptures tell us that he "fell on the ground and worshiped. And he said, “Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.”

As the book progresses, we hear Job crying out to God, begging for answers. We see Job reassessing everything he had thought he believed about God. It's a powerful and profound account of a man suffering, yet trusting in God. In preparation for the sermon, I recommend you read the book. If you're time is limited, At least read the first two chapters, and the last five chapters. You'll be blessed!

Join us tomorrow as we unwrap all the incredible insights ancient wisdom has to offer us regarding disappointment, pain, and suffering. 

Praying for you,
Pastor Jan




Membership Class. Sunday, July 23rd. 1-3pm. If you are interested in becoming a member of Mosaic Boston, your first step is to join a community group, as commitment to a cg is a precondition for membership. The second step is to attend a membership class. Please sign up by emailing admin@mosaicboston.com

Childcare at the 11:15 service. The amazing volunteers of Mosaic now offer childcare during the 11:15 service, in addition to Mini-Mosaic at the 9:30service. 

Mosaic Youth Group. Every Sunday, Mosaic holds a youth group gathering during the 9:30service. If you know anyone looking for a youth group, let them know!

Pre-service Prayer. Join us in the upper hallway of the Temple Ohabei Shalom for a time of pre-service prayer on Sundays at 8:45AM and 4:30PM. It's an opportunity for us to pray for the church, the city, and the world.

Mosaic Boston App. Did you know Mosaic has an app? You can download it here

Baptism Service. Sunday, June 18th. If you would like to be baptized, please let us know by emailing admin@mosaicboston.com.

Songs for Sunday. If you would like to know what we'll be singing on Sunday (so you can be ready to sing your heart out!) you can find the playlist here

Give to Fund the Mission. Giving is a joyful and sacrificial act of worship to our Lord, who has given everything to us and for us. We offer you the opportunity to invest in God's mission here. The easiest way to give your tax-deductible gift is through our secure portal on our website, found here. 


New Series: The Gospel, Verified


Adulting: Wisdom & Work