To know, or to be known?

Dear Mosaic Family,

One of my favorite TV series is HBO’s Band of Brothers. It chronicles the experiences of several American paratroopers from their time at boot camp until the end of WWII.

The show mainly focuses on the lives of the soldiers who survived from the beginning of the war to the end, but there is one episode that focuses on the struggles of replacement soldiers who filled in for the men that died in earlier battles. The episode is difficult to watch because the replacements, fresh from the army’s elite paratrooper boot camp, either die very quickly in battle or have an emotional breakdown deeming them unfit for battle.

It’s easy to understand such traumatic change happening so quickly in the hearts, minds, and bodies of soldiers facing bullets and shells in battle. It's not as simple to see how such change can happen in the hearts and minds of people around us in the church. When we’re honest, though, we know that it’s pretty common for people to be extremely excited to live for Christ one moment only to be drastically disheartened and frightened to do so when the reality of the spiritual warfare taking place in their own hearts and the world around them becomes real.

The people that Paul writes to in Galatians were young Christians facing their first battle as Christians after Jewish teachers came into their community requiring the practice of religious traditions in addition to placing their faith in Christ for salvation. The Galatians had to decide between continuing placing their faith solely in the works of Christ, as originally taught by Paul, becoming reliant on the religious practices suggested by the Jewish teachers, or leaving Christianity to go back to their former lives. Though it’s been two millennia since Paul wrote to the Galatians, modern people are still constantly deciding between similar choices whether they are aware of it or not, especially when conflicts and difficulties arise.

In the sermon this week, our sixth week in the The Gospel (verified) series, we’ll discuss how Paul instructs the Galatians to face this situation in Galatians 4:8-20. Join us at 9:30AM, 11:15AM, or 5:00PM tomorrow as we identify what we’re worshipping when we choose either of the two alternative paths, why we actually consider such options, and how continuous focus on the Gospel can help us persevere and even grow in our faith while facing such choices.

In Christ,
Andy Hoot
Resident Pastoral Intern, Mosaic Boston


Mosaic Boston: Jamaica Plain Monthly Preview Service, July 16. Mosaic Boston is starting a new church in Jamaica Plain, and they need help with their next preview service this Sunday, July 16. If you'd like to know more, email Ivey[at] Help with set up: 8:30am. Service starts: 10:30am.

Membership Class. Sunday, July 23rd. 1-3pm. If you are interested in becoming a member of Mosaic Boston, your first step is to join a community group, as commitment to a CG is a precondition for membership. The second step is to attend a membership class. Please sign up by emailing

Childcare at the 11:15 service. The amazing volunteers of Mosaic now offer childcare during the 11:15 service, in addition to Mini-Mosaic at the 9:30service. 

Mosaic Youth Group. Every Sunday, Mosaic holds a youth group gathering during the 9:30service. If you know anyone looking for a youth group, let them know!

Pre-service Prayer. Join us in the upper hallway of the Temple Ohabei Shalom for a time of pre-service prayer on Sundays at 8:45AM and 4:30PM. It's an opportunity for us to pray for the church, the city, and the world.

Mosaic Boston App. Did you know Mosaic has an app? You can download it here

Songs for Sunday. If you would like to know what we'll be singing on Sunday (so you can be ready to sing your heart out!) you can find the playlist here

Give to Fund the Mission. Giving is a joyful and sacrificial act of worship to our Lord, who has given everything to us and for us. We offer you the opportunity to invest in God's mission here. The easiest way to give your tax-deductible gift is through our secure portal on our website, found here. 


Anything but the Freedom Trail


Getting Back the Faith You Once Had