Newsletter: The Storm Calming King

Dear Mosaic Family,

Most of Mark chapter 4 is devoted to Jesus teaching about the importance of heeding the Word of God, listening, paying attention, having ears to hear. In the parable of the sower, the fruitful soil represents the people who hear the word of God, accept it, and bear fruit.

Paying attention to God's Word is more than studying it, it's embodying it. The tender heart accepts the Word of God, takes it in so deep, that it transforms the person. They become a categorically different human. A new creation in Christ. 

To drive this lesson home, that following Jesus isn't just to study the Word, but to embody it, after a full day of preaching, Jesus gives his disciples a pop-quiz, to test their faith. In Mark 4:35, Jesus (knowing full well they were about to enter a massive storm) said: "let us go across to the other side." Then he climbs into the stern of the boat, grabs a pillow, and goes to sleep. The disciples, terrified for their lives, wake Jesus with the rebuke, "Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?" They doubted that Jesus is the loving King.

Jesus wakes up, rebukes the wind, and calms the sea with his words: "Peace! Be still!" Then he rebukes the disciples, "Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?" They failed the pop-quiz. They spent a full day listening to Jesus, the Son of God, teaching on how to develop a storm-proof faith, and when it matters most, they doubted that King Jesus is in control, and they doubted that he cares.

Join us Sunday as we meditate on how to build a storm-proof faith in Jesus, the Storm Calming King, from 
Mark 4:35-41.

Looking forward to worshiping with you!

Pastor Jan

Catch up on our sermon series

This Week's Announcements

Membership 101 Class

This Sunday, November 5 from 1-3pm

If you are a believer who has been attending our services, we encourage you to consider making the transition from attending as a “guest” to partnering as a “member” of our church family. The first step in this process is to attend our membership class downstairs after the 11:15 am service. Lunch is provided, find more information and sign up here.

Serve with us

At Mosaic Boston, we serve because Jesus served. The Gospel makes us a family marked by Christlike humility and service to God, to his church, and to the people around us. We can all play an eternally significant role in Jesus’ mission. Service Teams are a key aspect of our Sunday operations and meet Sundays before, during, or after Worship Services. We have a huge need across many of our teams, you can find more information and get involved here.

Songs for Sunday 

If you would like to know what we'll be singing on Sunday, you can find the playlist here.


The Storm Calming King


The Unstoppable Kingdom