Mad at God

Dear Mosaic Boston Family,

Have you ever been angry with God? We've all certainly been disappointed when God's plan doesn't coincide with ours. But that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about something deeper, more seething. Have you ever literally or figuratively raised your fist and shouted at God? You ever flip God the bird (or wanted to)? When you didn't get in to the school you wanted. When you didn't get that job. When you were rejected by a loved one? That time you were betrayed by a close friend. When you hear about that diagnosis... or your diagnosis. When we don't get something we want or when we get something we don't want, we're infuriated!! When we did all the right things, and God didn't do what we expected, and we feel powerless to do anything about it. 

So, what do we do? What do we do with our anger at God? Tomorrow, we'll look at a curious passage in which Jesus gets a crowd so angry, that they actually carry him to a cliff to through him off. They were so angry, they wanted to murder God. Why? What did He say? 

Join us tomorrow as we look at Luke 4:14-30, and ask ourselves, are we angry at God? If so, what do we do? 

Praying for you!
Pastor Jan


Understanding your Teen. Sunday, March 11, 9:30 a.m.
Culture changes so rapidly it’s hard to keep up. If you’re a parent of a teen, or teen-to-be, join our youth leaders as we try to better understand Gen Z culture, and its effects on their social and spiritual lives. Located in the downstairs youth room.

Pre-service Prayer. Join us in the upper hallway of the Temple Ohabei Shalom for a time of pre-service prayer on Sundays at 8:45AM and 4:30PM. It's an opportunity for us to pray for the church, the city, and the world.

Mosaic Boston App. Did you know Mosaic has an app? You can download it here

Marriage 101 Seminar. Saturday, March 17, 1 p.m.
Are you seriously dating or recently engaged? Our next pre-marital seminar is open for registration, but has limited space. RSVP to

Songs for Sunday. If you would like to know what we'll be singing on Sunday (so you can be ready to sing your heart out!) you can find the playlist here

Give to Fund the Mission. Giving is a joyful and sacrificial act of worship to our Lord, who has given everything to us and for us. We offer you the opportunity to invest in God's mission here. The easiest way to give your tax-deductible gift is through our secure portal on our website, found here. 



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