Love Your Enemies?!

Dear Mosaic Boston Family,

Jesus once said, “be quick to speak your mind, easily provoked to anger, and always ready to take offensive.” Okay, obviously Jesus never said that, but He would probably get a resounding “Amen!” from our culture if He did. It seems like people can get outraged and offended by just about anything these days. It’s a quality many people prize in themselves, but despise in others. 

This Sunday, we’ll be looking at Luke 6:27-36 and some of the most famous words that Jesus actually did say. From this passage, and a similar passage in Matthew, come phrases like “love your enemies,” “turn the other cheek,” and “go the extra mile.” When you first hear them you might be hit with a refreshing wave of inspiration. Wouldn’t it be great if people lived like that? The more you think about them, though, the harder they are to swallow. If we really turn the other cheek, won’t we be letting people get away with murder?

Jesus was a master in the art of saying something both simple and profound. His words make so much sense, but then you find yourself days later still trying to wrap your mind around the implications. This text is a perfect example! Join us this weekend as we try to cut to the heart of this extremely dense, yet beautifully simple text from the Gospel of Luke. 

God bless,

Pastor Shane


Kids Summer Nights
Weeknights, July 23-27, 6-8 p.m. 
Join us for a week of kids summer nights at the Temple filled with games, music, crafts, and most importantly, lessons in God’s Word. All preschool & elementary-aged children (ages 3-11) are welcome––and it's FREE! Sign up here or email Raquel@ to volunteer.

Mosaic Summer Hangout
Saturday, July 21st, 12 p.m.
Come hangout with your Mosaic family and cheer on the Mosaic softball team at the Boston Commons (corner of Charles St. and Boylston St.). Bring your own food.

Help with our Sermon Video Team!
Our sermon video team is looking for new members to help with Sunday morning setup (8:30 a.m.) and production (during 9:30 and 11:15 services). For info on serving in any or all of these time slots, email 

Leaving Boston? Stay Connected!
If you're moving away this summer and want to get plugged into another spiritual family like Mosaic, we recommend finding a church through The Gospel Coalition website or Acts29 website.

Songs for Sunday. If you would like to know what we'll be singing on Sunday (so you can be ready to sing your heart out!) you can find the playlist here

We've updated the Mosaic app! Keep up with church-wide happenings in our Mosaic Boston app. Find sermons and events, write a prayer request, give, or read the Bible. Search “Mosaic Boston” in the App Store or Google Play, or download here.

Give to Fund the Mission. Giving is a joyful and sacrificial act of worship to our Lord, who has given everything to us and for us. The easiest way to give your tax-deductible gift is through our secure portal on our website, found here. 

Love Mosaic? Let people know! We would love it if you could take a minute to like/rate us on some social media sites, which makes it easier for others to find us when they are searching for a church in Boston!  


Intoxicated with Scandals


How to be a Good CoJourner