When Satan Tempts Me
Dear Mosaic Family,
Happy 2021 Mosaic. New Year, new me right? Flip the calendar page and all our problems magically disappear, right? haha That's not how it works. We're still sinners, living in a broken world, and each one of us needs daily grace from the Lord. The great news is that God is always willing to give more grace to those who ask for it!
I (Pastor Jan) am excited to be back in the pulpit tomorrow, as we study one of the most incredible passages in all of Holy Scripture, Matthew 4:1-11, where Satan comes to tempt our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. There's so much we can learn about temptation from this text. For example, the main thing I've been meditating on from the text this week is the connection between temptation and isolation. Satan saves his greatest attack for when Jesus is isolated from all community for an extended period of time. However, Jesus was not isolated from the Holy Spirit. Although the greatest temptations come when we are alone, the greatest victories also come when we are alone, as long as we're wholly reliant on the Holy Spirit.
What does Satan tempt you with? What are his most enticing offerings? I bet I know. How? Because his top three temptations come in various forms on page after page of Scripture, from the Fall in Genesis 3, to his temptation of Jesus in Matthew 4. In both, Satan tempts Eve and Jesus to take and eat the forbidden, to find satisfaction apart from God. In both, Satan twists God's Word, as he offers success apart from God. In both, Satan draws our ultimate worship away from God to himself, by offering significance apart from God ("you will be like God"). Those are his top three temptations: satisfaction, success, significance(all apart from God).
How does Jesus overcome all three attacks? Join us tomorrow, as we delve into this powerful text!
With Love,
Pastor Jan
This Week's Announcements
Membership 101 Class
Sunday, January 24th, 1:15 pm
If you'd like to learn more about Mosaic Boston Brookline, join us to hear why we are here and how you can join the church through membership. Visit our website to learn more and to RSVP.
Songs for Sunday
If you would like to know what we'll be singing on Sunday, you can find the playlist here.
Reopening Process
For a full overview of our reopening process and the safety standards that we have in place, visit: