Can We Cancel Cancel Culture?

Dear Mosaic Family,

Jesus said "Judge not, that you be not judged."

Last time I preached this text, in 2016, I focused on the fact that people use this verse to justify sinful behavior. "Who are you to judge me?" "Only God can judge me!"

Nowadays, that sentiment isn't so common. Why? Because everyone seems to have taken on the role of judge, jury, and executioner.

You voted for the wrong person? Cancelled!
You made the wrong decision? Cancelled!
You tweeted the wrong thing? Cancelled!
You hold the wrong opinion? Cancelled!
You used the wrong tone? Cancelled!
You believe in the Bible? Cancelled!

The more godless a culture becomes, the less grace there is. People in authority make up rules, and if you don't follow their man made societal norms, you will be rejected, dismissed, written-off, cast out, cancelled.

So how are we to respond? Do we cancel the cancelers? If so, aren't we just like them? Join us tomorrow as we study Matthew 7:1-12, where Jesus warns us of the dangers of cancel culture, and replaces it with generous, gracious discernment.

With Love,

Pastor Jan

This Week's Announcements

Preaching & Prayer Services

Sundays, March 21st, & 28th at 5 pm

Join us in our usual worship space for prayer, worship through music, and a short message led by a member of Mosaic.

Baptism Class

Sunday, March 28th at 1 pm

If you are considering baptism or would like to learn more about the importance of baptism, we welcome you to join us for our baptism class. Visit our website for more information and to RSVP. 

Good Friday

Friday, April 2nd at 6 pm

Join us on Good Friday in our usual worship space as we remember the life and death of Jesus Christ in preparation for Easter Sunday. Childcare will be available for newborn through 5th grade, please register your child(ren) here

Easter Services

Sunday, April 4th at 8:30 am, 10:15 am, and 12:00 pm

We will be holding special Easter Sunday services at 8:30 am, 10:15 am, and 12:00 pm. Join us in person or online as we celebrate together and invite your neighbors, family and friends.

Songs for Sunday 

If you would like to know what we'll be singing on Sunday, you can find the playlist here.

Reopening Process

For a full overview of our reopening process and the safety standards that we have in place, visit:


Castles Made of Sand


Overcoming Fear of the Future