Passionate Love
Dear Mosaic Family,
As a church, we’re devoting these next two months, May and June, to immerse ourselves in the Passion Narrative, as it’s historically called. The Passion Narrative is the very heart of the Gospel of Mark, and contains all of the greatest secrets of the Kingdom of God. To help you prepare to enter the holy ground of the Scriptures, here is the preaching calendar for the next two months.
May 5th = Mark 14:1-11
May 12th = Mark 14:12-26
May 19th = Mark 14:27-31
May 26th = Mark 14:32-42
June 2nd = Mark 14:43-52
June 9th = Mark 14:53-65
June 16th = Mark 14:66-72
June 23rd = Mark 15:1-15
June 30th = Mark 15:16-32
Why is it called “The Passion”? When we think of passion, we think of art, music, hobbies. Or we think of the emotions surrounding intense love, devotion, commitment. Or perhaps fits of violent anger, rage, like “crime of passion.” If you look up the word “passion” in a dictionary, we find the “Passion of Christ” as the 11th possible definition of the word. The Passion comes from Lation “patior” = “to suffer, bear, endure.”
I find this to be a powerful encapsulation of what happened during Holy Week.
God Incarnate, the Son of God, motivated by his love for God and God’s chosen, suffered the wrath of lawless men, and finally, the wrath of a Holy God. He endured it all to save God’s chosen people, the elect, from the wrath of a Holy God, which our unholy sins deserve. This is Love. Passionate Love. Costly Love.
Join us Sunday as we fire our hearts up with holy passion for Christ, as we consider Mark 14:1-11.
Looking forward to worshiping with you!
Pastor Jan
This Week's Announcements
Member's Meeting
This Sunday, May 5 at 1:00pm
If you are a covenant member of Mosaic or have been notified that you are being voted into membership, join us for our quarterly meeting. Please bring a dish to share.
Baptism Class
Sunday, May 19 at 1:00pm
We believe that Christian Baptism is the Baptism of a believer upon their profession of faith, into the name of the Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit; to show forth, in a solemn and beautiful sign, our faith in the crucified, buried, and risen Savior, with its effect in our death to sin and resurrection to a new life. If you are a Christian who hasn't been baptized, we'd encourage you to attend our baptism class. Sign up or learn more here.
Community Lunch
Sunday, June 2 at 1:00pm
Join us monthly for food and fellowship following the second service. Lunch will be provided by Mosaic. This is a great opportunity to bring your friends, family, or neighbors.
Songs for Sunday
If you would like to know what we'll be singing on Sunday, you can find the playlist here.
Fundraising Goal
Right now, our church has a big goal—to raise $5 million for our own worship space. We believe every tongue will confess and every knee will bow to Jesus Christ. That’s why we want to establish a permanent church home in a global city, where God’s people from far and wide can learn about the living God. Visit here if you would like to know more or donate to this goal.
Check out our full calendar of events here.