The First Lord’s Supper

Dear Mosaic Family,

If you could plan your last meal before your death, what would you eat?

As we continue through the Passion narrative of our Lord Jesus Christ, we come to Jesus' last meal before his execution. As Jesus' death looms, for His last meal, He chose Passover dinner, during which He revealed Himself to be the substance to which the sign of Passover was pointing. Jesus is the Lamb of God. Jesus is the Passover Lamb, sacrificed for our sins. Jesus then does something profoundly momentous: He introduces the first Lord's Supper during Passover dinner. With the authority of God Himself, the Son of God then says: do this, not in remembrance of the Passover, but do this in remembrance of Me. 

The first Lord's Supper was our Lord's last supper. Within hours He will be sacrificed as the Passover Lamb, executed while the Passover lambs were simultaneously being slaughtered in the Temple. However, Jesus is the final Passover Lamb, therefore the first Lord's Supper is also the last legitimate Passover, as authorized by God. 

Jesus' last meal was full of redemptive significance. But it is also overshadowed by betrayal. To describe Judas' betrayal, Jesus quotes Psalm 41:9 "Even my close friend in whom I trusted, who ate my bread, has lifted his heal against me." The text is given us as grace, to cause us to do deep self-examination, and truly ask Jesus: "Is it I, Lord?"

Join us Sunday as we meditate upon Mark 14:12-26.

Looking forward to worshiping with you!

Pastor Jan

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This Week's Announcements

Parent Commissioning Service

This Sunday, May 19, during the 9:15am service

At Mosaic, we don't dedicate children. Instead we commission parents who have dedicated themselves to living gospel-centered lives in front of their children. Just like missionaries called to the mission field, we want to equip and send parents to be the Christlike ambassadors they are called to be. We invite you to celebrate with these families during our parent commissioning service.

Baptism Class

This Sunday, May 19 at 1:00pm

We believe that Christian Baptism is the Baptism of a believer upon their profession of faith, into the name of the Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit; to show forth, in a solemn and beautiful sign, our faith in the crucified, buried, and risen Savior, with its effect in our death to sin and resurrection to a new life. If you are a Christian who hasn't been baptized, we'd encourage you to attend our baptism class. Sign up or learn more here

Community Lunch

Sunday, June 2 at 1:00pm

Join us monthly for food and fellowship following the second service. Lunch will be provided by Mosaic. This is a great opportunity to bring your friends, family, or neighbors.

Songs for Sunday 

If you would like to know what we'll be singing on Sunday, you can find the playlist here.

Fundraising Goal

Right now, our church has a big goal—to raise $5 million for our own worship space. We believe every tongue will confess and every knee will bow to Jesus Christ. That’s why we want to establish a permanent church home in a global city, where God’s people from far and wide can learn about the living God. Visit here if you would like to know more or donate to this goal.

Check out our full calendar of events here.


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