Newsletter: Jesus Saw Their Faith

Dear Mosaic Family,

In Mark chapter 1, King Jesus calls Peter to follow him and promises: I will make you become a fisher of men. What does fishing for people look like?

In Mark chapter 2, we get a vivid illustration of how fishing for people in real life plays out. First of all, the scene takes place in Peter's house. King Jesus completely dominates Peter's life, because that's what kings do. Peter's house is now Jesus' house. So Peter hosts the first community group, with Jesus teaching as many people as could cram in. As any long-time Mosaic community group host knows, generous hospitality takes a toll on your home. Peter learned the lesson quickly, as he looked up and (immediately) saw some dudes taking apart his ceiling. Down comes a cot, being lowered by rope, with a paralyzed man on it. 

Mark 2:5 says, "And when Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”

What does fishing for people look like? It looks like four believers who love their friend so much, that they are willing to do anything to get them to Jesus. They believed on behalf of their friend and Jesus saw their faith and responded with His power to regenerate body and soul. 

Think of a friend who is paralyzed with sin, caught in the nets of Satan's lies. Pray for them. Believe they will be healed. Believe their sins will be forgiven, just as strongly as you believe that yours have been. Now invite them to church on Sunday and your community group this week, even if they mess with your ceiling.

Join us Sunday a we enjoy 
Mark 1:40-2:12.

Looking forward to worshiping with you!

Pastor Jan

Catch up on our sermon series

This Week's Announcements

Service Changes

THIS Sunday, September 24 at 9:15 and 11:15 AM

Due to events being held at Temple Ohabei Shalom, we will hold our services on Sunday, September 24 in the downstairs hall of our normal meeting space. Childcare for newborn through preschool only will be available during the 9:15 service.

Membership 101 Class

Sunday, October 1 from 1-3pm

If you are a believer who has been attending our services, we encourage you to consider making the transition from attending as a “guest” to partnering as a “member” of our church family. The first step in this process is to attend our membership class downstairs after the 11:15 am service. Lunch is provided, find more information and sign up here.

Worship Night

Friday, October 13 from 6-7:30pm

Join us at our normal worship space in celebration of Mosaic Boston's birthday for a night of thanksgiving to God for his faithfulness. Doors will open at 5:30pm. 

Serve with us

At Mosaic Boston, we serve because Jesus served. The Gospel makes us a family marked by Christlike humility and service to God, to his church, and to the people around us. We can all play an eternally significant role in Jesus’ mission. Service Teams are a key aspect of our Sunday operations and meet Sundays before, during, or after Worship Services. We have a huge need across many of our teams, you can find more information and get involved here.

Songs for Sunday 

If you would like to know what we'll be singing on Sunday, you can find the playlist here.


Newsletter: Seek First the Kingdom of God


Newsletter: The King Came to Preach